How to choose the right Android phone?

Android phones are always in demand, each year we see an array of smartphones from all the famous brands

Guide to pick the right android phone
Android phones are always in demand, each year we see an array of smartphones from all the famous brands. These phones are equipped with better camera, awesome battery life, good looks, perform well, powerful chipset and more. But among so many new devices getting launched each year, how do we know that the one we are buying is the right choice for us?

Some phones are particularly made for gaming while some will be for better camera experience. So, how do we choose the right one for us? Looking for each and every aspect can get into our nerves, some of us will be looking for the best budget phones, whereas some of us will be more into good looks. Our priorities never end and still we need just the right device for us. If you are juggling with your choices, then here are some of the key points to look into before you buy one.

Look for a minimal of 720p resolution in the smartphone

Size is not really important when it comes to picking the right device, but the resolution does. Quick tip, pick the phone which has 720p HD resolution display or in other words 1280 x 720 resolution. This should in fact be the bare minimum resolution for your phone. Anything lesser than this will make your browsing experience poor. Plus it will also make the photo and videos to blur making it very uneasy for the user.

Once, 720p was considered to be the best in the market, but now it’s the bare minimal aspect. Hence, always remember to pick the smartphone which has at least 720p display. Don’t settle to anything which is less than that, no matter how desirable the phones with lesser than 720p look. If you are thinking of buying a mobile today then make use of Paytm mobile promo code.

Your phone should have a minimum of 2GB RAM

2 gb ram android device

While looking into the specification, along with the resolution look for a phone which offers 2GB RAM and a minimum of 16GB of internal storage. Gone are the days when we used to be happy with 4GB of internal storage. You will save a lot of applications on your device and phones which have lesser than 2GB RAM and 16GB of internal storage will freeze once in a while. You need a phone which will run smoothly, hence don’t settle to anything lesser than that. 

The internal storage will never come with the exact mentioned space

Understand one thing, whatever internal storage you choose to have will never come with the exact said space. Android phones are loaded with apps and these preloaded apps absorb some of the space already. So if you pick an 8GB of internal storage be rest assured that half of the space will already be chucked out. Now, you might think that you will insert a Micro SD and that will be good. But, do you know that an external hard drive always makes your phone a little bit slower? Yes, they do, you might feel that while exploring your SD it always lags behind, well that’s because you are operating on a third party instrument other than your phone. Hence, always go with 16GB of internal storage. This should be the base requirement. Plus no one likes to move from device to SD card to transfer all the files, it never feels good. 

Look for micro-SD expandability

Now, since we talked about Micro SD in our previous point, the next important thing that you should look for in your smartphone is the expandable memory slot. See if the phone allows you to insert a Micro SD card or not. Most of the cheap mobile phones provide only up to 32 GB of internal card storage capacity, which is not worth it. You will need a Micro SD no matter what. Choose only the best brands in the market to keep your phone away from virus and malfunctioning. Here’s TataCliq mobile coupons for you. In case you find the right smartphone, use this coupon to buy the smartphone at an extraordinary price.

Pick a phone with OS Android 6.0 Marshmallow or more

Android 6 Marshmallow

While buying a smartphone for your or for anyone in your family, ensure that you are picking the smartphone which has Android 6.0 Marshmallow or more. Anything lesser than that will make your phone slower. You should always pick an advanced technology to be able to use the phone swiftly. 

Go for oil-repellant glass only

Now, to know which phones have oil repellant and water replant glass will be hard to find out. But, it is better to know about the phone from top to bottom before buying. Know about the phone properly, look for the specifications, talk to the seller if need be and you can also call the manufacturer too to know whether the phone has an oleophobic glass. Some of the cheap phones don’t cover this specification. This glass will make your mobile oil resistant. This will keep your phone free from a lot of fingerprints too. 



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eRobber: How to choose the right Android phone?
How to choose the right Android phone?
Android phones are always in demand, each year we see an array of smartphones from all the famous brands
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